Moving around Bitcoin involves something very important called a 'private key'. Here's how it all works. #LearnWithLuno
2018-07-23, 20:02
We're changing the world, and heading #ToTheMoon
2018-07-19, 20:00
We're headed #ToTheMoon
2018-07-18, 20:00
As with any new form of money, there are certain risks you should be aware of when delving into the world of digital currency. #LearnWithLuno
2018-07-16, 20:01
We recently chatted to Irish Tech News about our team, our story, and where we're headed next: http://fal.cn/yvNo
2018-07-12, 20:00
What do you think would help to make digital currencies more trustworthy?
2018-07-11, 20:00
We explain what maintaining the ledger is all about. Spoiler alert: you don't need a hard hat and a shovel for this kind of mining. #LearnWithLuno
2018-07-09, 20:01
Luno Europe's Alessio Bruni chatted to Voxpro about the evolution of money - http://fal.cn/y_cs
2018-07-05, 20:00
With 60% of people getting their information on digital currencies from social media, it's clear that our sources of information have evolved just as much as our money.

Where do you learn about digital currencies?
2018-07-04, 20:00
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, anyway? We explain where the world's most popular digital currency came from. #LearnWithLuno
2018-07-03, 09:19
How is the price of Bitcoin calculated? It's all about supply and demand. #LearnWithLuno
2018-06-26, 09:01
Recognising scams to reduce some of the risks associated with digital currency is an important part of keeping your Bitcoin safe. #LearnWithLuno
2018-06-21, 09:02
We're really excited to be involved in this year's Tech Open Air - Europe's leading technology festival. Will we see you there?
2018-06-19, 12:00
Luno's Europe GM, Alessio Bruni, on the mass-adoption of digital currency: http://fal.cn/y5mg
2018-06-18, 23:00
There are various ways to go about getting your hands on Bitcoin, whether it be earning, buying, trading, or mining. #LearnWithLuno
2018-06-15, 09:01
See what Luno CEO and co-founder Marcus Swanepoel had to say about the digital currency marketplace at MoneyConf.
2018-06-13, 09:33
Congrats! We're very proud to be Europe's second fastest growing tech company, and was an honour to be up there with the best
2018-05-25, 10:18
Catch Luno's CEO and Co-Founder Marcus Swanepoel alongside Mark Zuckerberg and the founders of Microsoft and Uber at Viva Technology from 24-26 May.

More info here - http://fal.cn/yVb9
2018-05-24, 15:07
Our partnership in Poland with Comparic is going to help educate more people about Bitcoin and Luno. Together we have launched "Wednesdays With Bitcoin" which is an educational series
2018-05-23, 17:29
We are proud to partner with an organisation as active in the digital currency world as PLUGin - Polish Innovation Diaspora is.

We look forward to meeting you at their events around the world, including Poland, the U.K., France, Singapore, and many more.
2018-05-18, 16:52
Meet Luno in Paris on 15 May 2018 at PLUGinPARIS: Blockchain - beyond cryptocurrencies, where you'll get to learn more about Bitcoin, Luno, and the digital currency industry as a whole.

Register here: https://bit.ly/2rHDFvH
2018-05-15, 14:42
We will be at Crypto Capital World in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the 25th and 26th of April. Come and meet the team!
2018-04-24, 18:37
Another vital step towards securing and legitimising our digital currency community
2018-04-24, 11:06
Another milestone for Luno!
2018-04-20, 17:34
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